


27 February 2024

YES, I have got the Merino/Possum all listed. If you would like another colour send me an email and I'll see what I can do for you.

Back to getting the rest listed. Actually a rest seems a better idea, pity I don't have a book to read. Did a spot of weeding this morning, looks good from here in the office, it was easier to do after a few days of rain.

The weather is getting cooler thank goodness, this humid weather is not something I like. Certainly a bit nicer for knitting:)

19 February 2024

Well that good news below didn't work. Or I really meant SLOW. I've been back at the website the last couple of weeks. Started to add the Merino/possum. It is a really lovely yarn to knit with. I hope to get some photos of the yarn in the next few days.

I've been so busy the last 8 months, feels like I'm on a roller coaster, don't like those things but heck I have sure been on a fast ride lately. The dye pots have had a real work out. I'm getting to be a gun on putting up big gazebos, I won't say Im the fastest at it...actually I seem to be the last at packing up so I guess that says something.

Any way if you get the chance to try the Merino Possum yarn you won't regret it, it is so yummy.

13 July 2023

Good news, I am slowly getting the website up to date with listing what I am selling. I have put the Naturally yarns on special as at this stage I just want to put my time in dyeing yarn and handmade sewing and knitting items.

Had a great time at Woolfest. It was so good to see my yarn knitted up. There is so many amazing knitters out there.


30 December 2022

I can't believe that it has been over a year since I wrote anything. Can't even think up a good excuse... life got in the way

Anyway our Tiny Houses The Stable are up and running. Bookings at this stage is thru AirBnb, the plan is get a bookings system here as well.

Our 3rd quests have booked in today. Good reviews so far, which is always good to know that you are on the right track. It is so amazing down there, I would be quite happy to live down there full time...if my craft room could be moved as well. Not quite sure how we would fit in 3 dogs, 2 cats and 2 adults in the space but I quess where there is a will there is a way


22 November 2021

Yes, Tiny house no 1 is finished.  Well just a couple of wee touches to do then it's off to our glamping site. No 2 is probably 2/3 done

Looking good though. No 1 is the bedroom, you can see the river from the bed hopefully...when sitting up.

No 2 kitchen is in, same with the toilet, shower partway in. Just have to do around the back windows then I can oil the wall around them, plus the wall going into the shower/toilet area. Have to sand the back of the barn door, mmm think I will stop there. The list is growing, not what I wanted.

Maybe see you here soon

Take care



8th May 2021

21 days till Woolfest in Auckland. :) So exciting, come see us in shed 2.

Been busy making yarn huggers and pompoms and of course dyeing yarn. Hopefully I will get some time to make some bags as well. Best bet will be for it to rain then I can't work outside.

Love autumn time, trees changing colourand some bulbs springing to life. I can never remember where I have planted bulbs so always exciting to see what comes up.

Take care and hopefully see you at Woolfest.


31st March 2021

Yes we have some rain. Our watertanks are getting very low. Doesn't look like it will be much so hopefully will be enough to move the level in the tanks.

Stoney Creek Farm will be going to Woolfest in Auckland 29th May, so hope to met up with you. Really looking forward to it, we were going last year for the first time but Covid came along.

Hope you are all well


3rd February 2021

Sorry I really am slack. There is so much to do on our little farm that time just seems to run away. I am really lucky that I get to be at home these days, love being with all our animals. We got another wee dog Wolfey back in April last year, his owner could no longer look after him. He has fitted in with us all really well, he is our townie dog so Missy & Sammy are teaching him the country ways. Yes he has found the horse poo a few times, loves to roll in it, yes gross!

Glamping... yes we are still working on it, the second cabin which is the kitchen & toilet area, the framing is up. I got a sliding window so that you can eat your breakie outside the kitchen window. The water supply and sewage is in down at the site. Fencing is a work in progress around the area, I'm all for the rustic look so been gathering branches from the trees ... maybe bitten off a bit much ... don't tell Erik. :) Going to have vege gardens and fruit trees for people to help themselves.

Hope you are all well

Take care and be safe, it is still scary out there with covid



30 June 2020

Where has this year gone! End of June already.

I finally managed to talk Erik into doing Glamping on our property last October. The plan is to be up and running this November. I spent the summer down what we call the Stonewall paddock clearing one corner where I want the first camping site to be. This has been a real mission but I can now see it all. It is up from the river but amongst the huge rocks we have. It's an amazing spot so I think people would love to stay there.  Most of that part has been cleared, I just need a fence or two put in to keep the horses out. Anything is fair game to them. Once that is done I can get it planted up. Erik is just about finished the Sleeping cabin outside (framing and cladding) so still alot to do. There is going to be two cabins at this site, one for sleeping, the other is for the toilet and kitchen. A real toilet as sorry a composting one just doesn't do it for me. There is going to be an outside shower and bath. The plan is to have the paddock for whoever is staying at the time so they will be able to bring their horses for a holiday as well. Sorry no dogs as we have working farms all around us.

Hope you are all well

Take care and be safe


29 April 2020

Gosh these last 5 weeks have been interesting. We are so lucky in NZ when you see what is happening with the rest of the world, so well done NZ!

I think in some ways it has been so good for us all. Alot more family time, time out from all the racing around, good old fashion times and lots of baking by the sound of things. I've been doing chutneys and have only made a fruitcake oh I did do bread one day but boy that was time consuming.

Here on the farm we haven't been effected to much, we still have the animals that need attention so in alot of ways it is no different. I'm working from home with bookwork, Erik hasn't been doing any Inspections but has been catching up on alot of outstanding farm and house jobs.

I'm slowly updating my craftshop, photos are my issue, the colours don't always look right, then when you upload them they change again. :(  I've still got lots of handmade items to upload since we haven't been going to the markets thru all of this covid stuff. Also the yarn I've been dyeing, still need to get them uploaded.

Let me know if there is anything you would be interested in.

Take care and be safe



19 March 2020

We hope you are all safe and well. Please keep an eye on your neighbours, friends and family. I mean this in a nice way, keep in touch as this can be scary for some people.

Because I think it is important for us to keep busy I am reducing the price on lots of my shop items so that they are more afforable for everyone. Get those knitting needles busy, as busy hands keeps the mind not so busy if you know what I mean, focus on that pattern instead. If knitting isn't your thing give the rug making a try or maybe felting!

Take care everyone.


25 January 2019

Come see us at Waipu Street Markets on Sunday. I have started to dye yarn so will have some to sell. Very excited about this. Val is coming with me, she is a very talented artist, her paintings that she sells are just amazing, she is also taking yummy plums to sell. We will also be at the Marsden Cove markets from February onwards.


7 January 2019

I've been having fun dyeing yarn. Really pleased with how it is coming out. I have knitted up a shawl from the 4ply merino wool and really happy with how lovely it is to knit with. In love with this shawl, not sure if I will be able to sell it. Haven't blocked it yet, I think I'm putting it off so I don't sell it. :)


1 January 2019

Happy New Year to you all. Here's to a brillant year!



Ben had his first ride today. Erik is so happy with him. They went down the track thru the ford and up the back hills. Ben loved it.



Buy Noro yarn before 31 January 2019 and receive a free pattern by email.

Stoney Creek Farm

Stoney Creek Farm is a Sport Horse farm. Sheryll has a craft shop that sells handmade items, supplies for knitting, sewing, felting and related items. Erik runs his business Omori Tech limited from here as well. Erik is an Electrical Inspector and marine electrical engineer.